
Friday, August 04, 2006

My first blog! I owe this to my class mates who's blogs i have enjoyed reading... It got me excited about starting my own. Besides, the REAL reason is, that this sure beats writing the same emails to every person I know who wants to know how I am.

OK, lets get the one thing straight. I know my blog name and email id is kaviitaa... but that is NOT the way i spell it. Nor is it Kavitha (thats for my south indian friends)... It is just Kavita. Plain and simple. Why did I choose the funny spelling then for my email and blog id? Because "kavita" was taken, and second, a numeralogist suggested that i change the spelling of my name to "kaviitaa" to bring good health, happiness and wealth. (I am serious!) Hmmm.. so lets see, I am healthy and happy..... however the wealth is down to zilch thanks to the tuition at school. So i guess I got half of what i was told, and i suppose thats because i use kaviitaa only half the time. (Any correlation here?)


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